In short, no.

At Decorquip, we have taken our first steps into the innovative world of producing bespoke components for customers with the aid of 3D printers. To begin with, we have utilised this exciting technology to produce roller tube adapters that allow motors of different sizes to work with a wider range of tubes. Not so exciting for some.

As for the safety marks, our products don’t fall within any of the areas covered by the incoming UKCA or outgoing CE mark. You can learn about the marks, why they exist and what they cover here: Using the UKCA marking – GOV.UK (

Of course, safety is a primary consideration whether we are selling third-party components or producing our own so we make sure everything is tested for safety and durability before we consider selling it.

For more information on how we are moving forward with 3D printing and exploring its limitless possibilities, just get in touch. James in the workshop would love to bend someone’s ear about it!